Neglected Leather will dry and crack overtime if not properly taken care of. Specialized product serves as a protective barrier as well as help to clean up dirt or stains on the material. Not using the proper technique that leather needs brings cracks in leather soon to be rips. As you can see in the picture below, the leather has pretty bad cracks. Cleaning your leather is very important as you can tell the before picture has dirt in the leather and inside of the cracks. In the after picture the dirt has been removed but the damage has already took place which is irreversible.

Taking care of leather it can last up to 15 years, leather has its own natural oils that can be released overtime when leather starts to dry. Of course natural oils do not last forever so having a deep cleaning interior service done on your leather seats at shinerz auto detailing will let you enjoy your leather seats for years to come.

Deep cleaning, leather requires extensive cleaning and can lead to scratches or tears if not done properly. If there are things like dirt or pebbles, leftover on the surface. Most store-bought leather, cleaners and conditioners provide relief but end up, causing long-term damage. Professional products applied by professional detailer will keep your leather, looking and feeling great for a long time.

Having your leather, professionally cleaned and conditioned on a regular basis, will not only prevent the buildup and accumulation of oil, but will also aid in the longevity of the leather protective coating, resisting absorption of future, spills and keeping the leather soft. Here at shinerz auto Detailing we believe in doing the job right so the customer can enjoy their leather for years to come. With over 20 years experience, we have over 20 years of knowledge on how to keep your vehicle looking new for years to come here at shinerz auto detailing.

Deep cleaning, neglected leather can still make your leather last. Stop by for your quote today.